📕GUI Normal item

A tutorial how to create a normal static item to the gui

  material: string
  amount: number
  player: string
  base64: string
  name: string
  lore: string list
  custommodeldata: number
  update: boolean
  enchants: string list
  itemflags: string list
  actions: action data

- Material

The item material you want to use. It will be displayed in the menu and you can expand it further. All materials can be found here: click here!

material: 'your material' # example: STONE

- Item amount

The amount of the item that will be showed

amount: 'number' # example: 10

- Player head

In case you use the PLAYER_HEAD material, you can add a player skin to this head according to his name.

player: 'player name' # example: Gennario

- Base64 head

In case you use the PLAYER_HEAD material, you can add a base64 skin to this head with base64 string. Heads can be found here...

This is head base64 string (at the bottom of the selected head page)

base64: 'base64 value'

- Item name

Item can have a display name. Name supports colors and PlaceholderAPI.

name: 'text here' # example: '&cHello &aworld'

- Item lore

Item can have a lore that contains multiple lines without any langth and size limit. Lore supports colors and PlaceholderAPI.

  - 'text here' # example: '&cHello &aworld'
  - 'text here' # example: '&cHello &aworld'

- CustomModelData

If you want to use a resourcepack item, you can set it with item custom model data

custommodeldata: 'model number' # example: 1002

- Update

If you want to be your item in the GUI live updated, just add update line to your item and your item will be updated in specified interval for the gui.

update: 'boolean' # example: true

- Item enchants

If you want to add enchants to your item, you can do it this way. Format: ENCHANT;LEVEL All enchant types can by found here!

  - 'enchant;level' # example: 'DAMAGE_ALL;1'

- Item itemflags

If you want to hide some things from the item, you can use itemflags. All itemflags can be found here!

  - 'flag' # example: 'HIDE_ENCHANTS'

Last updated