
Our language api allows us to provide users with an unlimited number of languages for each plugin. You can use premade languages and you can also create your own languages that you can then link to.

🥇 First steps

When you load a plugin that supports our language api for the first time, a "languages" folder will be created in the plugin folder. This file will automatically create the preset languages. The line "language: en_GB" will be created in the preset file "config.yml". This line specifies your currently used language on the server.

🇨🇿 Creating own language type

It's very simple. Just copy the existing language file for the template and then just create a new folder (e.g. "cs_CZ.yml") and paste the copied text into it and edit it.

Then just set up your new language in config.yml

Do you know, that you can make from one line message a multi-line message? Just change you message in the config from this message: 'line 1' to this message: - 'line 1' - 'line 2'

We still want to improve our language api, so we plan to add a lot of features: - Crowdin link for huge servers - Per-player language

Last updated